

Questions Parents Ask About Vaccinations for Babies

The most frequently asked questions from parents about immunizations for their baby.

Top 10 Reasons to Protect Your Child by Vaccinating

Refer to these top 10 reasons for yourself or to share.

Addressing Vaccination Anxiety for Infants and Toddlers: Strategies for Parents and Caregivers

This 1-page handout, designed for parents and caregivers, describes strategies that can be followed before, during, and after the vaccination visit to improve the vaccination experience for infants and toddlers. Several useful resources are also listed.

Clear Answers and Smart Advice About Your Baby’s Shots

An excerpt from Baby 411 by Ari Brown, MD, FAAP, provides clearly written information about safe and effective vaccines.

Vaccinations for Infants and Children, Age 0-10 Years

Listing and schedule for all vaccines recommended for children through age 10 years.

After the Shots … What To Do if Your Child Has Discomfort

Tips for parents, includes information about medication that reduces pain and fever.

What if You Don’t Vaccinate Your Child?

Learn the consequences of not immunizing your child.

Vaccinations for Preteens and Teens

A list of all vaccines for preteens and teens and when (and if) they need each one.

Vaccination Schedule

Find out which vaccines infants and children need

Vaccination App

Vaccination on the Go – What You Should Know

Provides all parents with reliable information about the science, safety, and importance of vaccines and the diseases they prevent. From The Vaccine Education Center at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the app is available for Android and Apple devices.

Partner Resources

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Vaccines for Your Children

Find the vaccines your child needs for protection against serious diseases.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Up-to-date information about vaccination services in your area is brought to you by the Department of Health & Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Boston Children’s Hospital. Note: As of December 2023, the site is offering location information only for COVID-19 and influenza vaccines.

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
The Vaccine Education Center at Childrenʼs Hospital of Philadelphia

The Vaccine Education Center aims to communicate the facts about each childhood vaccine accurately. You can also subscribe to Parents PACK, a monthly vaccine newsletter for parents.

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Free Mobile App—Vaccines on the Go: What You Should Know

A free app for parents provides reliable vaccine information right on your mobile phone. The award-winning app comes from the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and is available for both Android and Apple devices.

Healthy Children logo ( The AAP Parenting Website

From the American Academy of Pediatrics’s member pediatricians, HealthyChildren covers the physical, mental, and social well-being of all infants, children, teens, and young adults. The information you’ll find is supported by scientific research, including immunization-specific resources. A Spanish version is also available.

Vaccinate Your Family Facebook logo
Vaccinate Your Family

Vaccinate Your Family, originally founded in 1991 (as Every Child By Two) by Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter and Former First Lady of Arkansas Betty Bumpers, provides science-based information so families can make educated decisions about vaccinations. A Spanish version is also available.


Christopher Chinnes

I have faced the worst nightmare any parent can possibly face. There is no experience on earth that compares to the horror and devastation of losing a child.

Read more.

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